Follow these 6 Tips for Men to Please A Woman in Bed

Men spend their lifetimes trying to figure out what women want. What they fail to understand is that keeping a woman happy is not as complicated as they think. But it does require some time and efforts. Most men disregard a woman’s sexual needs and that’s where problems in a relationship stem.

Against popular belief and what we have been conditioned to think; women have a sexual drive too. They too want to be satisfied in a certain way during intercourse and if they don’t get that, you can be sure she will be unsatisfied in more than one way with the man in her life.

Educate yourself

The more you read about it, the more you’ll know what to do, when to do and more importantly how to do it. This theoretical knowledge will lead to practical success.

Don’t expect the same from her

Getting a woman turned on is going to take a lot more efforts than just dropping off your clothes. The sooner you know what makes her tick, the easier it will be for you to please her.

Her pleasure is important too

Don’t be selfish and think about just your orgasm and sexual pleasure. Let her enjoy the ride too!

Foreplay matters

No matter what you think or have heard, foreplay is important and the longer it goes on, the more pleased your woman will be.

Don’t roll over and sleep right after the sex

This is a big turn off for women as they feel that it was just the sex you were interested in. So, cuddle her or engage in pillow talk before nodding off.

Talk about it

Women talk about it with their friends, but that doesn’t mean they’re not willing to talk about it with their partner. Ask her how she felt, what she expects, what she would like you to do, etc. and that way you will be able to better understand her needs too. Communicating about sex will help her understand your needs and desires too. So it’s a win-win for you as well.
